Some of the great lessons the women in my family have taught me...
a) Be the kind of friend you want to HAVE
b) Stand up for your girlfriends no matter what others say, solidarity outlasts any selling out and you'd want them to do the same
c) Give a fair heads up when you think a fellow lady is stepping in the wrong direction- a warning is a nice UH OH, but if a woman/lady chooses to step out the lesson and fall is all hers.
d) Don't say I told you so, no matter how good it feels.
e) Put yourself in another persons shoes and you might not be so quick to judge.
f) You are who you are, not what you wear or what you own or where you got it or where you grew up. Just you so make YOU enough.
g) You teach people how to treat you.
h) You're mom usually has a point.
i) It's never right to get in the middle of another persons relationship, be it their friendship, love relationship, familial relationship-STAY OUT.
j) Think BEFORE you speak. It might save a lot of tears, regrets and apologies.
k) What you mean, should coincide with WHAT YOU SAY....
l) If people don't like you, like LOTS of people, it's usually not them= it's you.
m) Denial is only fun when you end up completely losing your memory because eventually it bitch slaps you, yes it does.
n) Gratitude. How many of us really understand the value of a good friend? or thank them?
o) knowing you could lose it in a second, everything, all of it. Enjoy the moment.
p)Everyone, YES EVERYONE, should read a few self help books in their lives. Only Jesus is perfect. Get on it.
q) We are NO FUN to be around when we PMS.
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